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GDPR security is more than just password protection, its physical building security

physical building securitySince the introduction of new EU GDPR regulation as of May 2018, there has been heavy media focus on cyber security and what businesses should be doing to tighten on how they administer information and protect customer and client data.

Whilst the focus has often been on technology and in particular, IT admin.  It’s worth remembering that GDPR goes further than IT security and that physical building security also plays a part in the protection of data and so therefore should also be a prime consideration.

By law, offices and businesses are now required to protect their data. Whilst many offices endeavour to be paperless, there is still several companies who require paper trails for their own independent reasons. In these instances, it is imperative that information can be locked away in secure cupboards and that individual office and storage spaces can be locked and alarmed.

SGS Systems Ltd provides physical building security

Here at SGS Systems we focus on protecting businesses who require physical building security options. As certified installers of alarms and CCTV security, we install and maintain wired and wireless alarm systems for offices and commercial buildings where specifically defined areas of protection is required. In conjunction to this, our security alarms can be pre-programmed so that only designated key-holders or those with access control can gain authorised entry.

In addition, our CCTV monitoring equipment provides internal and external surveillance where office spaces require monitorisation.

If your office or business is looking to install or upgrade your existing security system, so that you may sufficiently with new GDPR legislation, then please speak to our property security team here at SGS Systems Ltd. We support commercial businesses with security across the UK with physical building security to ensure that their companies operate safely and that all data is stored securely.