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Yard Security – Is your horse and livestock protected?

In 2017 rural crime had a greater impact on yard security when rates rose by 13.4% and cost the UK £44.5m according to a report by the NFU. In addition the cost of agricultural vehicle and quad bike theft totaled £8.1m.

Often farms and equestrian stables are seen as easy targets to thieves. In rural areas where close communities keep an eye out for one another, there is often the mindset that perhaps yard security can be a little more relaxed. Historically crime has always been more associated with towns and cities however sadly, nowadays these statistics are beginning to demonstrate otherwise!

It is also worth highlighting that unwanted intruders don’t always live in the village or surrounding area and can sometimes travel miles to make an attempt of theft. Operating in a networked gang, they know the agricultural industry well and how to move the commercial equipment quickly; sometimes even with a plan to ship abroad where the machinery or livestock can be sold for a lot of money and without little trace.

How SGS Systems Ltd can help with yard security

As dedicated security partners to the NFU, SGS Systems Ltd are here to support farm and stable commercial agriculture businesses across the UK with yard security. Protecting livestock, tack, feed, equipment and machinery, our yard security package can include any, or all of the following:

To find out how we can help you further in securing your farm or stables property and to benefit from discounted yard security service rates if you are an NFU member, please contact our commercial security team or see our stable security page on our website –

This weekend the clocks will change is your autumn home security ready?

With Autumn here, October is the month where we begin to see the daylight hours rapidly reduce and this weekend, on Sunday 27th October, the UK clock change will also take place.  This is when ‘Daylight Saving Time’ ends and the clocks turn back 1 hour so that we may gain an extra hour of daylight in the mornings; this marks an important time in the autumn home security calendar and so assessing if your home is secure enough for the winter is imperative.

Investing in just a few simple autumn home security features

For workers, leaving home and arriving back in the dark will soon become a daily occurrence. Investing in just a few simple autumn home security features will go a long way to protect your property and your family.

Indoor lighting – Lights on timers are a great, not only do they make your home feel a little more welcoming when you arrive home to in the dark, but they also give the appearance that someone is in the house and deter intruders from thinking the house is vacant.

External lighting – Sensor lighting will illuminate the external area of the premises when any one approaches your property. This will not only draw your attention to the outside if you are in the house but again it could also deter anyone who is thinking of gaining entry.

House alarm A house alarm can easily installed in your home by SGS Systems Ltd to protect the whole property and / or specific areas. All of our SGS Systems Ltd house alarms are installed by certified fitters and are annually serviced to ensure that they operate in excellent condition.

CCTV Security Installed both internally and externally, our 24/7 monitoring camera equipment will produce clear imagery both day and night. Again, cameras can not only deter criminals but should they try to gain entry, then the footage could be used as legal evidence.

For a confidential review of your property or to find out more about how our autumn home security programme could benefit your home and family so that you may stay safe this season, please contact our SGS Systems Ltd security team or see our website home security information for further details.

Home Security – Autumn Security Checks

Back to school this month means back to routine and whilst the decent weather and lighter evenings stay with us for just a little longer, what better way than to invest some time into your property and autumn security checks over this coming month, to ensure that it is secure before the winter.

Summer can be a busy season!  Enjoying time with the kids, favourite hobbies, spending time outdoors, going on holiday and working out in the garden – whatever your preference, if your garage, outbuilding or shed is maybe looking a little chaotic, if it is bursting at the seams with gadgets and you can hardly lock the door then it is time to get organised!

SGS Systems Ltd are sharing some ideas on how to improve you autumn security checks of your garage / outbuilding / shed, this month :

  1. Have a clear out – The weather is still reasonable so emptying the entire contents and organising the space with some decent storage is a great way to be efficient. Invest in storage and covers which will not only protect from the weather but will also help to put more expensive items out of view from prying eyes.
  2. Repair door locks – Padlocks and door locks can begin to tire with the wet weather and become more susceptible to the outdoor elements, it is worth repairing or replacing to ensure that doors lock securely.
  3. Repair buildings and roofs – Damaged areas of a building or roof can provide an easy point of access for unwanted intruders to gain entry. They can also become problem areas for leaks and mean that bad weather can damage your possessions so it is worth making the repairs whilst the weather is fine.
  4. Install a domestic alarm – Installing an alarm to your garage, shed or outbuilding will not only give you peace of mind that your possessions are safe but will also alert you should an unwanted intruder try to break into your property. Here at SGS Systems we supply, install and maintain a wide range of home security alarms to suit the size of your property and your needs.
  5. Install CCTV to the external space of your property – By monitoring your garage, shed or outbuilding from the comfort and safety of your own home will mean that you won’t have to investigate the outdoor premises on the darker evenings.
  6. Invest in outdoor security lighting – External sensor lighting not only draws attention to areas which would otherwise be in darkness but can also help to deter intruders from making any further attempts to scour your property.
  7. Clear the external space – Pack away ladders, bins and outdoor equipment which can provide climbing tools for intruders to gain entry quickly. Clear away and tidy, hedgerows and bushes which can obstruct your view of your garage, shed or outbuilding.

For further information on how to secure your property and carry out your autumn security checks, or to speak to one of our security advisors about a confidential review of your property please contact us at SGS Systems Ltd.  As an SSAIB supplier and installer of security equipment, we provide scale-able security solutions to homeowners across the West Midlands and the UK.

Want a quick alarm installation / temporary alarm security ? We can help!

Operating a business can raise all kinds of challenges for temporary alarm security, especially when moving premises or facilitating your daily work schedule from within a temporary commercial building.  If you own a building that requires temporary alarm security protection whilst it is empty, if your business is operating from a porta-cabin or if you require the support of temporary alarm security where the existing alarm has failed, then here at SGS Systems Ltd we provide an ‘off the shelf’ security solution to suit any of these kind of scenarios and one which will quickly secure a building by protecting stock and equipment and meet insurance requirements.

Our enforcer panels and wireless alarm systems are manufactured by Pyronix and only take approximately 4 hours to install, which is a quicker setup process than a standard wireless alarm.  Our Pyronix security system provides an excellent form of portability and can move from site to site depending on your work operations which will allow managed services to get up and running quickly.  Conforming to European Standards Accredited with EN50131 approved for any Grade 2 class environment, the device supports up to 64 wireless inputs, 4 arming stations, 32 key fobs and 2 wireless sirens.

Temporary alarm security is ideal for residential or small commercial applications, the Enforcer control panel is perfectly suited to:

  • domestic / residential,
  • retail
  • office
  • education
  • construction

Using any form of communication such as a wifi or telephone connection, the Pyronix security system can detect an intruder before they attempt to break in.  If an intruder enters the perimeter of a property, the outdoor XD detector, programmed as a switcher zone, will recognise this and immediately signal to the Enforcer control panel.

detect > communicate > verify > alert

In addition, the Enforcer control panel can signal to Alarm Receiving Centres (ARC) for professionally monitored 24/7 security and can be controlled and monitored remotely by appointed users with the easy-to-use ProControl+ smartphone app which allows them to set, unset and receive voice push notifications.

For further temporary alarm security information and installation enquires of the Pyronix security system or if you would like to discuss any other security options including CCTV security which could suit your temporary commercial premises then please do not hesitate to contact our commercial security installations team at SGS Systems Ltd for a confidential property security review of your organisation.

How businesses can prepare their holiday commercial security

holiday commercial security

The holiday season can raise a number of challenges in terms of holiday commercial security for UK companies as they juggle working hours to meet orders and cover holiday time away from their business.

Booked calendar holidays may mean that companies have to adjust their working hours to accommodate changes to their regular timetable by utilising less staff to cover more job roles or appointing staff members to take on greater responsibility.  This may also mean employing new and seasonal staff to take on work which as a Directors, means understanding their employees strengths and weaknesses and building trusting relationships.

Finally for some businesses, the holiday season may also mean closing the business altogether for a number of days or weeks, especially if during the month of August it is quieter within their industry in terms of production.

Whatever your business challenge, relying on holiday commercial security to protect your company can offer a life line to its longevity.  Implementing holiday commercial security can protect commercial building premises, look after company stock and monitor staff.  It also provides protection to customers and the general public when visiting your premises, store or warehouse.

Here at SGS Systems Ltd, we offer a range of holiday commercial security support services to UK companies.

Through our experienced team of security engineers we support businesses from single outfits to multi-site and established branded companies by installing a security system which will suit the individual business and premises.  We work closely with business owners to identify risks and provide a property security service to suit, from a single alarm option to far more complex alarm systems or access control security to protect specific zones of a commercial building.  Our property surveillance offers 24/7 CCTV monitoring equipment to both internal and external areas of the property and our most proficient smoke security systems are used in stores which offer high value goods or vast quantities of stock.

To find out more about our commercial security systems available to protect commercial businesses, please see our commercial security website page or speak to one of our dedicated security representatives about a confidential review of your requirements.

Useful Information:

Going on holiday? Be aware of your Social Media Security

social media securityWith the summer season and school / college holidays in full motion, many couples, families and friends across the UK will be preparing for a well earned holiday in the UK or to travel abroad.   In light of this, this August here at SGS Systems Ltd we are particularly focusing on social media security and the concerns it may raise in terms of security and the protection of your property whilst you are on holiday.

Whether you are an avid user of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snap Chat, to many UK users, Social Media is very much an ingrained part of our lives.  We all enjoy sharing pictures and stories with friends about who we are hanging out with, where we are staying and visiting, or maybe showing off a latest purchase.

However, whilst many would think that there is no harm in sharing information, it is unfortunate that some thieves make a living out of researching these types of posts by scouring our internet for profiles to find clues which could be fruitful in aiding a burglary.  This means that it is important to understand social media security and that whilst sharing your latest holiday snaps, photos like these can confirm that you are not at your home and so therefore your property is vacant.  This could prove to provide enough information and a tempting opportunity to those who are seeking to carry out a burglary.

So what is the safest way to use social media this without compromising our social media security?

  1. Don’t share the recognisable flight path image from home to your holiday destination. Immediately this informs everyone that you are off on your holidays.
  2. Enjoy taking your holiday snaps but share them when you arrive back home, rather than whilst you are on holiday.
  3. Sharing photos can help to build a profile as to where you live. Photos which feature your house door number, street sign or your vehicle number plate could implicate your social media security.
  4. Don’t share photos of expensive jewellery, your new car or your latest TV purchase which could easily build up a profile as to what you own in the property and become a focus target for a burglary.
  5. Finally, check your social media security settings and that you are only sharing photos and information with friends.
  6. Inform a neighbor that you are going on holiday and ask them to keep an eye on your property whilst you are on holiday.
  7. Install a home security alarm and CCTV monitoring equipment with SGS Systems Ltd. Our company provides a full security review and installation service, followed by regular security support and maintenance after-sales checks so that you can be certain that your property is continually monitored and kept safe.  As an SSAIB accredited supplier, we only use industry specialist equipment which is installed by our fully trained security engineers.

    Our scale-able home security solution means that we can protect your home large or small.  For more information with regards to our property security products and services, please speak to our home security team about a FREE review of your property or see our range of security options available on our website –

Don’t forget! If you have become the owner of a new property which has an existing alarm or no longer have the contact details for the maintenance contract of your installed burglar alarm, then SGS Systems Ltd can help.  We not only install and maintain our own security systems but can also review and check your house burglar alarm, even if it has been originally installed by a different provider.  To find out more, please contact our property security team today.

Useful information:

StaySafeOnline –

Living in a gated community – Your are not immune from burglary

However, it is worth considering that you cannot always be certain that those individuals are who have gained access into the property, have made a legitimate entry neither that others living in the building, have the same respect for residence and their property as you do.

Just because you live in a gated community, does not mean that your property is completely safe and that you are immune from becoming the victim of a burglary.  When living in a gated community, most multi-occupancy properties will have access-control security and intercom systems installed directly on the main access points in and out of the building and whilst criminal activity is some-what reduced and the annoyance of doorstep pests such as salesmen and cold-callers is reduced.  Home security to individual properties is not always a priority within a gated community because owners presume that they are protected.

In a website article by the Metropolitan Police – How Safe is your flat.  They offer a range of possibilities to keep your flat safe from ensuring that lighting is fully functional to accessing post via internal post boxes and re-iterate how important it is to keep communal doors closed and automatically locked whilst under no circumstances allowing stranger’s entrance.

If you lived in a gated community, you are obliged to secure your property

You have an obligation to ensure that yourself and your property is safe and secure at all times and so you may underestimate the fact that you are well within your contractual rights to install your own intruder alarm and 24/7 CCTV monitoring equipment to protect your own property within a multi-occupancy complex or building.

For more information on gated community and flat security installations or multi-occupancy security installations please contact our security team at SGS Systems Ltd.  Our experienced and qualified engineers will liaise with the multi-occupancy property manager on your behalf to install and maintain a security system which will suit your property whilst complying with regulation.  Further to this we test and maintain your security equipment on an annual basis to ensure the longevity and security of your property is consistent.

Blogs used to write this article:

Planning a holiday this summer? Is your property protected?

Holiday season is here! And with the warmer weather and the anticipation of schools and colleges breaking up for the summer term, making those holiday plans in July is always an exciting time of year.

Before you go away on your adventures it is worth making some plans for the security of your home, whilst you are away from the property.  After all there is nothing more disheartening and demoralizing, than coming home from a really happy holiday to find out that whilst you were away, that your home was broken into and your most valuable possessions were stolen because your property was not protected.

Here at SGS System’s Ltd we have come up with a security top tip list to put your home on the right track and ensure that you have the best time on holiday, relaxing with the knowledge that your property is protected.

Security Top Tip List for keeping your home protected

  1. Cancel your regular deliveries for milk, newspapers etc.
  2. Let a neighbor know and ask if they can collect your post so that there isn’t a mountain of un-opened post visible.
  3. Invest in some timer switches for lights and curtains. This will give the appearance that people are in and using the property.
  4. If you are taking your car, then ask a neighbor to park on your drive from time to time.
  5. Put away ladders and any other objects such a wheelie bins which could be used to climb on and gain access upstairs
  6. If you have an intruder alarm – check that the current key holder’s details are up to date and that the security alarm is fully maintained. If not please contact SGS Systems Ltd, we are accredited to test and maintain all alarm security system including brands other than our own.
  7. If you do not have an intruder alarm – it is worth considering an installation to protect your property.  SGS System’s Ltd will offer a confidential review of your property to offer the very best and most suitable security options from intruder alarms to CCTV. Please contact our property security team for a home security review.
  8. Finally, before you go on your holiday make sure that you lock all your doors and windows, room by room. Don’t forget garages, sheds and outbuildings too.

Happy Holidays, the team at SGS Systems Ltd hope that you have a lovely time this summer!

A wheelie bin can easily assist a burglary

You may not have thought of it before, but where you store your wheelie bin could save your home from a burglary.

Recently a Wolverhampton home was the target of a robbery, when two thieves used a wheelie bin to climb up and gain access through an upstairs bathroom window. Cash, bank cards and phones were stolen from the property.  PSCO Shaun Evans of West Midlands re-iterated the need to be aware in a recent article to

"As has been demonstrated on this particular occasion, wheelie bins left outside residential properties can prove to be an effective climbing aid for any opportunist criminals who may be at large across the local area."

Reducing the risk of a burglary

Here at SGS Systems Ltd we are also urging residents to consider where they store their wheelie bins.  As summer is upon us and the weather gets warmer, open windows become easy targets for a burglary. There isn’t anything more accessible for a thief, than positioning a moveable object such as a wheelie bin into a location, directly below a window.  Wheelie bins are sturdy enough to stand on and are of a sufficient height to elevate a person up to a window.  Therefore, we are encouraging everyone to think about where you store your wheelie bins, preferably as far away as possible from the property and even locked in a secure bin storage facility if at all possible.

Also, think about your windows and what to leave open during the warmer weather, especially if no one is at the property.  Our advice to reduce the risk of a burglary, is to shut all windows so that you can leave your home completely secure.  After all it is still better to have a hot house than none of your personal valuables.

For more information on home security and how to stay safe this summer, please see our house security page or speak to our security team. Installing a simple house security alarm or CCTV security could save your home from a burglary, whilst giving you and your family peace of mind that you are all protected through property security.

Blogs used to write this article:

Longer Summer Days can increase the risk of farm crime

During this month,  21st June the UK celebrated the longest day of the year, known as the summer solstice.  This is recognised because it is the point in the calendar when the sun reaches both its highest and most northern point in the sky, marking the beginning of summer in the astronomical calendar for the Northern Hemisphere.  Dating back to pagan times, farming communities have celebrated the solstice in recognition of their strong connection with the land and all of their hard work anticipated for a good harvest in the autumn.

Whilst the better weather and longer day light hours are imperative to farmers who can utilise the time to make the most of their working day, operating out in the fields and away from their main farm premises buildings can come at a cost to their livelihood. Longer working days means that equipment, belongings and supplies can be left in an unsecure and vulnerable situation for longer periods of time in unmonitored area throughout the day, which could be open to theft by unwanted intruders, giving rise to farm crime.

As NFU partners our security team provide protection against farm crime

Have you been the victim of a farm crime or looking to protect your property, livestock and equipment against farm crime?

Being a victim of theft and farm crime on your own land is a cruel situation and so this month SGS Systems Ltd are urging all farmers to evaluate their farm security.  As a reputable and accredited supplier to the NFU, we are able to offer a discount on our CCTV equipment and installation to all NFU members and employees. To book a full review of your farm or equestrian premises, please contact our property security team.  You can also find out more by visiting our commercial security website information pages or see the NFU website for more details:

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